Plastic Diaphragm Valves
JV Plastic Diaphragm Valves
Just Valves range of Plastic Diaphragm Valves are specifically suitable for highly-pure to heavily contaminated, liquid and gaseous inert and corrosive media. Just as classical control valves, diaphragm valves have good control properties, especially for media that are soiled or contain particles. The major areas of use are the semiconductor industry and microelectronics and a wide variety of industrial applications e.g. water, waste, treatment, chemical etc.
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Operating Pressure
0 – 10 bar
Operating Temperature
-10 – 90°C
Body Configuration
2/2 way body (2/2 way valve), T valve (3/2 way valve)
Body Materials
PVC, ABS, PP, PVDF, PFA, PP-H duplex moulding, PP reinforced
Seal Materials
CSM (Hypalon), NBR (Perbunan), FPM (fluorine rubber), EPDM, EPDM/PTFE (laminated and loose, concave and convex)
Nominal Size
DN 12- 100
Connection Types
Solvent cement spigots and weld spigots, union ends, flanges. The connection types are generally available with most different standards and norms, like DIN, imperial measurements, etc.)
Manually operated, pneumatically operated and motorised